From your friendly creator, Samuel Vickrey,

“ Art is something I have always been drawn to as it is a natural instinct and what’s all around us in nature. The Samara emblem carries the meaning of all the elements around us coming together to make one big art project. It is here at Samara we harness the infinite ability to create with the world around us

Sunglasses just don’t work for photography. The Samara fisher is the perfect travel hat for creatives.

  • A mixture of nylon and cotton for a comfortable and study fit.

  • The Samara Fisher is a snapback, one size fits all.

Samuel’s Collectible All-Metal Prints

“Coming from all over, My prints highlight the beautiful world around us. Personally, they are marks and milestones along my crazy journey of becoming a better artist everyday. Every print comes through my hands and straight to you as one of my amazing supporters. I only sell a few of each one to keep them unique. :) “

- Samuel Vickrey, CEO of Samara Creative L.L.C

Coming Soon

Coming Soon ⋆